Dr Ameya Rangnekar

Spinal Fracture Treatment in Indore

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Best Spinal Fractures Treatment in Indore

Spinal fractures are breaks in the vertebrae that can result from trauma or underlying conditions like osteoporosis. Dr. Ameya Rangnekar offers specialized care to repair these fractures and restore spinal stability. Spinal fractures can cause severe pain, neurological deficits, and mobility issues. Dr. Rangnekar’s expertise in spinal surgery and comprehensive care ensures precise diagnosis and effective treatment, aiming to alleviate pain, promote healing, and prevent further complications.

Benefits of Treatment:

  • Pain Relief: Treatment helps alleviate the severe pain associated with spinal fractures.
  • Stabilization: Restores stability to the spine, preventing further injury.
  • Improved Mobility: Enables patients to regain movement and functionality.
  • Enhanced Healing: Promotes proper healing of the vertebrae and prevents future fractures.

Symptoms Addressed:

  • Severe Back Pain: Sudden, intense pain at the site of the fracture.
  • Neurological Symptoms: Numbness, tingling, or weakness in the limbs.
  • Limited Mobility: Difficulty moving, standing, or walking.
  • Visible Deformity: In some cases, a visible deformity or misalignment of the spine.

Treatment Approach:

Dr. Rangnekar provides a tailored treatment plan for spinal fractures, which may include:

  • Bracing: To immobilize and support the spine during healing.
  • Pain Management: Medications and pain relief techniques.
  • Physical Therapy: Rehabilitation exercises to restore strength and mobility.
  • Surgical Intervention: In severe cases, procedures such as vertebroplasty, kyphoplasty, or spinal fusion to stabilize and repair the spine.

Conditions Treated:

  • Osteoporotic Compression Fractures
  • Traumatic Spinal Fractures
  • Pathological Fractures
  • Burst Fractures


Trauma, osteoporosis, and certain medical conditions can lead to spinal fractures.

Treatment ranges from conservative methods like bracing and pain management to surgical interventions for severe fractures.

Recovery involves rest, gradual increase in activity, and possibly physical therapy to regain strength and mobility.

Maintaining bone health through diet, exercise, and managing underlying conditions like osteoporosis can help prevent fractures.

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