Dr Ameya Rangnekar

Microdiscectomy Surgery in Indore

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About Microdiscectomy Surgery in Indore

Microdiscectomy, a precise surgical procedure, is expertly performed by Dr. Ameya Rangnekar to address debilitating conditions arising from herniated discs in the spine. With meticulous attention to detail, this minimally invasive surgery aims to alleviate nerve compression, relieve pain, and restore functionality. Microdiscectomy is a highly effective solution for patients suffering from sciatica, leg pain, and other symptoms caused by herniated discs.

Benefits of Microdiscectomy:

  • Pain Relief: Microdiscectomy provides prompt relief from acute and chronic pain associated with herniated discs, allowing patients to experience significant improvement in their quality of life.
  • Nerve Decompression: By removing the herniated portion of the disc, Microdiscectomy relieves pressure on the spinal nerves, reducing symptoms such as leg pain, numbness, and tingling.
  • Minimal Tissue Trauma: As a minimally invasive procedure, Microdiscectomy involves small incisions and gentle tissue dissection, resulting in less blood loss, reduced scarring, and faster recovery compared to traditional open surgery.
  • Preservation of Spinal Stability: Microdiscectomy preserves the structural integrity of the spine by selectively targeting the affected disc, minimizing disruption to surrounding tissues and adjacent vertebrae.
  • Improved Mobility: Following Microdiscectomy, patients experience improved mobility and functionality, enabling them to resume daily activities and enjoy a more active lifestyle. 

Symptoms Addressed by Microdiscectomy:

  • Sciatica: Sharp, shooting pain radiating from the lower back down the leg, often accompanied by numbness and weakness, due to compression of the sciatic nerve by a herniated disc.
  • Leg Pain: Persistent, localized pain in the leg, exacerbated by movement or prolonged sitting, resulting from nerve irritation or inflammation caused by a herniated disc.
  • Numbness and Tingling: Sensory disturbances, such as numbness, tingling, or “pins and needles” sensations, in the affected leg or foot due to nerve compression.
  • Muscle Weakness: Weakness or loss of muscle function in the leg, affecting mobility and coordination, attributed to nerve impingement from a herniated disc.
  • Limited Range of Motion: Restricted movement and stiffness in the lower back and leg, impairing daily activities and quality of life.


  • Preoperative Evaluation: Dr. Rangnekar conducts a comprehensive assessment, including physical examination and diagnostic imaging, to confirm the diagnosis and plan the surgical approach.
  • Surgical Techniques: Using specialized instruments and microscopic visualization, Dr. Rangnekar precisely removes the herniated portion of the disc, relieving pressure on the spinal nerves while preserving surrounding tissues.
  • Recovery Process: After Microdiscectomy, patients typically experience rapid pain relief and are encouraged to gradually increase activity levels under Dr. Rangnekar’s guidance. Physical therapy may be recommended to promote healing and restore strength and flexibility. 

Conditions Treated with Microdiscectomy

  • Lumbar Herniated Disc
  • Sciatica
  • Lumbar Radiculopathy
  • Lumbar Disc Degeneration


Microdiscectomy is a minimally invasive surgical procedure performed to remove a herniated portion of a spinal disc, relieving pressure on the spinal nerves and alleviating symptoms such as sciatica and leg pain.

Microdiscectomy is recommended for individuals experiencing debilitating symptoms from a herniated disc, including severe back or leg pain, numbness, and weakness, that haven’t responded to conservative treatments.

During Microdiscectomy, Dr. Rangnekar utilizes specialized instruments and microscopic visualization to access the herniated disc and remove the affected portion, decompressing the spinal nerves and restoring normal function. 

Recovery from Microdiscectomy is typically swift, with many patients experiencing immediate pain relief. Dr. Rangnekar provides personalized postoperative care and may recommend physical therapy to aid in recovery and prevent recurrence.

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